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All posts in CSR

Impact Investing

Symbolic picture of impact investing

Definition Of Impact Investing Impact investing reflects the act of pursuing both a financial and beneficial return, by investing in social and environmental projects. The latter can be brought about by private corporations, funds, universities and so on. The common denominator here is the intention of generating some good. That is, . . . Read more

Social Impact

Social Impact

Definition Of Social Impact Social impact refers to the way an organization benefits the community with responsible and sustainable business policy. Normally, it relates to a company’s CSR ecosystem. Also, the impact that these activities deliver can be measurable. The indicators management rely on to assess the outcome of a . . . Read more

Workplace Giving

Definition Of Workplace Giving Workplace giving is a corporate culture model designed to spur employees to volunteer or make donations to charities. The employer, then, will match the money and the time workers devolve to nonprofits, with either monetary support or other kinds of contributions, such as product donation. This practice . . . Read more

Cause related marketing

cause related marketing

Definition Of cause related marketing Cause related marketing is part of a company’s corporate social responsibility policy . That is, a for-profit business establishes a long-term relationship with a non-profit company. The former expects to profit by selling more products and gaining positive publicity. The non-profit, on the other hand, benefits financially and . . . Read more

Cause Promotion

cause promotion example

Definition Of Cause Promotion Cause promotion refers to a broad variety of ethical and social activities. Mostly, it describes a scenario where a for-profit company raises awareness on a specific cause or support fundraising, by allocation corporate resources, either cash or in-kind contribution. It can also occur that management urges . . . Read more



Definition of CSR CSR, also known as Corporate Social Responsibility, is the way in which organizations can incorporate social issues into their operations. The purpose is to make a positive impact with specific or all stakeholders. Moreover, it refers to the principles and identity the company identifies itself with. Breaking . . . Read more

Socially Responsible Business Practices

Socially Responsible Business Practices

Definition Of Socially Responsible Business Practices Socially responsible business practices refer to those corporate activities whose main purpose is to benefit individuals, a community or the environment. They include sponsorship, grants, product donation, corporate volunteering, community engagement and so on. The goals of having a social business strategy in place are the . . . Read more

CSR Software

Csr software

Definition Of CSR Software CSR software is an application often used by organizations to help them manage their corporate social responsibility activities. Moreover, it allows them to track and evaluate the same activities, thus, focusing only on the most profitable ones. Breaking Down CSR Software First of all, let’s start . . . Read more