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Social Impact

Social Impact

Definition Of Social Impact Social impact refers to the way an organization benefits the community with responsible and sustainable business policy. Normally, it relates to a company’s CSR ecosystem. Also, the impact that these activities deliver can be measurable. The indicators management rely on to assess the outcome of a . . . Read more


sponsorship icon

Definition Of Sponsorship The definition of sponsorship largely depends on the context you want to frame it. Nevertheless, the two most common ways to describe it are the following: A brand, organization or individual sponsoring an event, tournament or sport club in order to raise awareness and increase revenues. A person who . . . Read more

Sponsorship Data

Definition Of Sponsorship Data Sponsorship data is the information critical for any sponsorship professional to use for the analysis and evaluation of the sponsorship activities. Sponsorship data should be used right through the management process of each sponsorship. Useful Links About Sponsorship Data How sponsors choose the best sponsorship projects . . . Read more

Sponsorship Management

sponsorship management

Definition Of Sponsorship Management Sponsorship Management is the way an organization oversees its sponsorship activities. That is, managing pivotal aspects such as project selection, monitoring and assessment. Breaking Down Sponsorship Management Big corporations such as Coca-Cola, Mastercard, McDonald’s and so on spend a lot of money in sponsorship activities and they usually . . . Read more

Workplace Giving

Definition Of Workplace Giving Workplace giving is a corporate culture model designed to spur employees to volunteer or make donations to charities. The employer, then, will match the money and the time workers devolve to nonprofits, with either monetary support or other kinds of contributions, such as product donation. This practice . . . Read more

Sponsorship Request

Sponsorship request

Definition Of Sponsorship Request A sponsorship request is a commercial proposal sent by one individual/organization to another. That purpose is to establish a partnership that can benefit both parties. The focus depends on the context. From the sponsor perspective, we talk about the process of organizing the flow of requests, . . . Read more

Product Donation

examples of product donation request

Definition Of Product Donation There are multiple ways an individual/company can contribute to a noble cause: monetary support, cause related marketing, cause promotion and, last but not least, product donation. Also called in-kind contribution or gift in-kind, this form of charity is somewhat underrated. As a matter of fact, it . . . Read more

NonProfit News

non profit news

Definition Of Non Profit News A non profit news is any fresh information directly or indirectly linked to the nonprofit industry. Its purpose, among others, is to raise awareness and further a cause. Moreover, platforms dedicated to this specific industry represent a good source for donors. The latter rely on them . . . Read more

Charity Causes

Charity causes example

Definition Of Charity Causes Charity causes refer to the principles a charity stands for. The latter should always specify the aims and objectives it wants to achieve and the movement it supports. This way, it’s more likely to acquire donors and retain them. Breaking Down Charity Causes Clearly defining your causes . . . Read more

Cause related marketing

cause related marketing

Definition Of cause related marketing Cause related marketing is part of a company’s corporate social responsibility policy . That is, a for-profit business establishes a long-term relationship with a non-profit company. The former expects to profit by selling more products and gaining positive publicity. The non-profit, on the other hand, benefits financially and . . . Read more