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All posts tagged software

Should you buy a grant management system or develop it?

Build vs. Buy: Should You Buy a Grant Management Software or Develop it Internally?

Picture this scene: your organizations’ community investment projects are growing, and you realize that you definitely need a dedicated solution. It is already clear to you that a grant management system would speed up the processes and streamline the workflow. But you start weighing the pros and cons of building . . . Read more


sponsorship icon

Definition Of Sponsorship The definition of sponsorship largely depends on the context you want to frame it. Nevertheless, the two most common ways to describe it are the following: A brand, organization or individual sponsoring an event, tournament or sport club in order to raise awareness and increase revenues. A person who . . . Read more

Sponsorship Data

Definition Of Sponsorship Data Sponsorship data is the information critical for any sponsorship professional to use for the analysis and evaluation of the sponsorship activities. Sponsorship data should be used right through the management process of each sponsorship. Useful Links About Sponsorship Data How sponsors choose the best sponsorship projects . . . Read more

Sponsorship Management

sponsorship management

Definition Of Sponsorship Management Sponsorship Management is the way an organization oversees its sponsorship activities. That is, managing pivotal aspects such as project selection, monitoring and assessment. Breaking Down Sponsorship Management Big corporations such as Coca-Cola, Mastercard, McDonald’s and so on spend a lot of money in sponsorship activities and they usually . . . Read more

Sponsorship Management Software

sponsorship management software

Definition Of Sponsorship Management Software Sponsorship Management Software is a tool an organization can use to help improve the efficiency of their projects. A typical software will look to automate and digitalize the data from all parts of the process for the sponsorship activities. Breaking Down Sponsorship Management Software Imagine . . . Read more

Community Investment Software

Definition Of Community Investment Software A Community Investment Software is a tool business managers use in order to improve the efficiency of their community engagement projects. That is, automating and digitalizing the data from all parts of the process. Also, a good software helps you focus only on those investment that are . . . Read more

CSR Software

Csr software

Definition Of CSR Software CSR software is an application often used by organizations to help them manage their corporate social responsibility activities. Moreover, it allows them to track and evaluate the same activities, thus, focusing only on the most profitable ones. Breaking Down CSR Software First of all, let’s start . . . Read more