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All posts tagged marketing

Ambush Marketing

Definition Of Ambush Marketing Ambush marketing, broadly refers to a situation in which a company or product seeks to ride on the publicity value of a major event without having contributed to the financing of the event through sponsorship. The strategy of the official sponsors’ rivals is typically targeting major . . . Read more

Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrity Endorsement example

Definition of Celebrity Endorsement Celebrity Endorsement refers to a marketing strategy whose purpose is to use one or multiple celebrities to advertise a specific product or service. The primary goal, in this case, is to reach a greater audience, represented by the celebrity’s fan base. Breaking down Celebrity Endorsement What people . . . Read more

Corporate Social Marketing

Example of Corporate Social Marketing

Definition Of Corporate Social Marketing Corporate Social Marketing generally refers to a campaign intended to improve public health, safety, and the environment. The overall objective of a company is to generate a behavior change. It is considered to be part of CSR and it contemplates the use of corporate resources to achieve . . . Read more