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All posts tagged brand awareness

Brand Sponsorship

What is brand sponsorship?

Definition Of Brand Sponsorship Brand sponsorship is a marketing strategy in which a brand is supporting an event, activity, person or organization. Everywhere we go we can witness sponsorship investments: music festival, football games, beneficial events and so on. Sponsorship allows big, medium and small brands to partner with other . . . Read more

Brand Awareness

Definition Of Brand Awareness Brand awareness is the process by which consumers recognise the existence of a company. Brand awareness is a key element when promoting a product or service and its particularly important when launching a new product in the market therefore the aim for this process is to . . . Read more

Sponsorship Activation

Sponsorship Activation

Definition Of Sponsorship Activation Sponsorship activation is the intention of independently promote and advertise, from a sponsors’ point of view, towards a specific marketing opportunity. Such process is formed by the tactical activities that the sponsors devise to exploit to the fullest and by the marketing rights derived from the sponsorship. Think . . . Read more